Kaharoa Kōkako Trust Creative Arts Competition 2024
For Primary School Children in the Rotorua Area
To ensure all tamariki in Rotorua can:
Identify a kōkako
Know the unique call of the kōkako
Know why our remnant kōkako populations are so important to the people of Rotorua
Understand how and why we need to continue to protect kōkako
Kōkako represents the power of a community working collaboratively. Kōkako are making a remarkable comeback after being on the brink of extinction in the 90’s, due largely to huge volunteer efforts over the past 30-plus years.
Kōkako are a representation of the mauri of a forest. If the unique call of the kōkako is heard in a forest, it’s an indication that the forest is doing well.
The Bay of Plenty is the stronghold for our precious North Island Kōkako, and Rotorua sits at the centre of this.
In the forested areas that surround Rotorua, we are fortunate that a number of important remnant populations of kōkako still remain today thanks largely to decades of ongoing community volunteer efforts.
These areas of significance include the Kaharoa Conservation Management Area, the Rotoehu Forest, the Manawahe Ecological Area and the Mokaihaha Ecological Area.
Rotorua is the Kōkako Capital of the World! If you want to hear and see original populations of kōkako thriving, Rotorua is the place to visit.
We want our Rotorua tamariki to know and understand why kōkako are so unique and precious, and how special it is to have these remnant populations of kōkako still surrounding our city in 2024.
How can you support us?
We would love all tamariki in Year 1 to Year 6 in Rotorua to have the opportunity to learn a little about kōkako and to enter our annual kōkako creative arts competitions. This year there are 3 categories to enter, with exciting prizes to share.
Category 1: Years 0-2
Colouring in competition using the artwork provided.
Prizes include movie tickets to Reading Cinemas, Kōkako hot chocolate, and a native plant.
Category 2: Years 3-6
Art competition where entrants submit their own artwork.
Prizes include a family season pass to Waikite Valley Thermal Pools, Kōkako hot chocolate, and a native plant.
Category 3: Years 0-6
30-second video competition educating people about kōkako.
Prizes include multiple return bus trips for your entire class to visit Kaharoa Forest for a forest education experience, and native plants for your school.
(Click the ‘Learn more >’ button below for all the details, prizes, terms & conditions, and how to enter).
Thanks to our sponsors
Submit your entry on the form provided
Alternatively entries can be sent to kaharoakokakotrust@gmail.com